Thursday, 8 March 2012

INSPIRATION! Picasso Exhibition - Tate Britain

I went to see the 'Picasso and Modern British Art' exhibition a couple of days ago, and I loved it. It was amazing to see some beautiful examples of Picasso's work alongside Henry Moore, Francis Bacon and David Hockney to name a few. I wrote a dissertation on Cubism and Picasso some years ago, so was fascinated to see some memorable cubist paintings here. Most important of all, right at the end the 'The Three Dancers' which left a lasting impression on me, and second only to 'Les Demoiselles d'Avignon' as my favourite Picasso of all time. It was also amazing to see some beautiful small scale Henry Moore sculptures of wood and bronze, that we were mesmerising. Moore is another favourite of mine, and it was fantastic to see these pieces, which were not present in the Henry Moore Retrospective a couple of years ago in the same space. Francis Bacon was another welcome addition, and Hockney was the icing on the cake. This is an exhibition not to be missed, unusual to see these artists in the same space together, and I feel I'll be going back to see it again!