Wednesday, 30 November 2011

PORTRAITS! Melissa Stasiuk -The mesmerising new girl @ Next!

Sometimes you cast a girl, that completely blows you away the first time you see her, and this is Melissa Stasiuk @ Next. What an amazing face, this girl will go far, I can't wait to shoot her, the force is strong in this one!

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

SHOOT! Well, some outakes,..from an upcoming shoot!

Editing is one of the hardest things about being a photographer, to not publish beautiful images because they don't fit into the layout etc, is very hard.
For these images to never be seen is a great disappointment so I have decided to start posting some of these images to my blog as a way of giving them some life, and to share them with you! (how lucky!)

First up: here are a couple of images from an upcoming editorial for the new issue of Black Magazine, with Milagros Schmoll!

Stylist - Sara Dunn
Hair - Yan Przemyk
Make-up - Jo Frost
Model - Milagros Schmoll @ Select

Sunday, 6 November 2011


I was 17 when I saw an exhibition of Jan's images in france. It was the most amazing thing that I had ever seen. I was hooked, I bought every postcard that the gallery had of his work. This was the beginning for me, this was it, I wanted to do what he did. I was fascinated by Jan's images, they were like nothing I had seen before, they were photographs but also like paintings, they had texture, they had bizarre and unusual subjects, and for years my 'ideal image' the photograph I would strive to take, was I see now, my version of a Jan Saudek photograph.